May 2019 Conservation Icons: Dr. Gordon Frankie, UC Berkeley

Hear the buzz when Conservation Icons brings your the foremost expert on everything bees with Dr. Gordon Frankie, 6 p.m. Saturday May 25 at Lindsay Wildlife Experience.
Frankie is the foremost expert on California bees as a Cal professor, researcher at the UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab and coauthor of California Bees and Blooms: A Guide for Gardeners and Naturalists.
The research group at Cal has been working since 1987 on documenting bee diversity and bee frequencies on wild California plants in several northern California sites. California is home to over sixteen hundred species of undomesticated bees–most of them native–that populate and pollinate gardens, fields, and urban green spaces.
During the past 21 years Frankie has documented bee diversity, seasonality, and host plant preferences of most species at several northern California sites and three sites in a seasonal dry forest in Costa Rica. He has discovered that urban residential areas can support high diversities of local bee species. His work is trying to tackle the global pollinator decline and the broad search for new ways to conserve and protect pollinators in a variety of habitats.
Frankie is one of several speakers that are part of the 2018-19 Conservation Icons Speaker Series that aims to educate, entertain and inspire change!
Saturday, May 25, 2019
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm