Beautiful Whale: Lindsay Wildlife Alliance Speaker Event

Enjoy a deliciously catered brunch among the owls, squirrels, and urban creatures on exhibit at Lindsay Wildlife followed by the presentation Beautiful Whale with photographer Bryant Austin.
Austin is an acclaimed portrait photographer – of whales. His journey and challenge to recreate the transcendent sensation one experiences floating an arm’s length away from the eye of an inquisitive whale, has compelled him to create photo mosaics at 1:1 Scale – both in terms of size and in the level of detail witnessed in ‘real life.’
Signed copies of Austin’s book, Beautiful Whale, will be available for purchase!
In recognition of this special occasion, Austin is donating a signed print to be raffled at the event. All proceeds will go to the Lindsay Wildlife Alliance—don’t miss out on the opportunity to bid for this unique item!
To learn more about Bryant’s work, and to view an online gallery of his prints, click here!
To purchase tickets to this amazing brunch and presentation scroll down!
Lindsay Wildlife Experience
- (925) 935-1978
- 1931 First Ave., Walnut Creek, California, 94597, United States
Beautiful Whale: Lindsay Wildlife Alliance Speaker Event
Monday, May 16, 2016
9:30 am - 12:00 pm