Lindsay Wildlife Alliance: Dr. Marguerite Madden

Lindsay Wildlife Alliance new program for Monday March 19: Dr. Marguerite Madden, Professor and Director of the Center for Geospatial Research (CGR) at the University of Georgia will share a fascinating deep look at the struggle between humans and wild elephants in Zimbabwe.
The world’s foremost expert on integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into ecological phenomena, Dr. Madden’s work examines landscape-scale biological and physical processes and human impacts on the environment. Her presentation will focus on “Managing Conflict between free-ranging elephants and humans in Zimbabwe.”
Come enjoy a catered brunch among the owls, porcupine, hawks and other creatures on exhibit at Lindsay Wildlife followed by an engaging presentation about wild elephants.
Dr. Madden is forming an internationally-recognized coalition, working in partnership with the Zimbabwe Department of National Park and Wild Life Management scientists and conservationists of the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust, to develop a comprehensive study of human-elephant coexistence within a multi-use landscape. This multi-stakeholder management plan may serve as a prototype in other regions, where local communities are in conflict with wild elephant populations throughout Africa.
All money from this annual fundraiser is used to support Lindsay’s education and wildlife rehabilitation programs. $45 for General Admission, $30 for Seniors. Tickets on sale now. Click here to purchase!
Lindsay Wildlife Experience
- (925) 935-1978
- 1931 First Ave., Walnut Creek, California, 94597, United States
Lindsay Wildlife Alliance: Dr. Marguerite Madden
Monday, March 19, 2018
9:30 am - 12:00 pm