Live.Wild.Animal Exhibition: Animals, Inside Out!

Come to Lindsay on Saturday, Sept. 22 from 10-11 a.m. for our Live.Wild.Animal Exhibition: Animals, Inside Out! You will see and MEET a lemur, an alligator, and more!
Unleash your powers as a bone collector when you discover the hidden mysteries lying beneath the calcium of animal skulls, skeletons, and bones!
Don’t just stop with meeting exotic animals stay for the day as Lindsay truly delves into Animals Inside Out!
At Lindsay’s special day of programming we are delving INSIDE animals; What do they eat? What do their bones look like? What’s on the inside of a porcupine’s quill?
And watch Lord Richard, our turkey vulture, devour the meat off a a skull! Enjoy our afternoon Wildlife Photography which will feature real-animal X-Rays! Also learn how single use plastics get into animals but don’t get out. This special day will also host a release of Monarch Butterflies, find out what goes on Inside the chrysalis?
Lindsay is dedicated to connecting visitors with wildlife. Which is why all year long, Lindsay presents monthly Live.Wild.Animal Exhibitions! From alligators to sloths, we bring outside exhibitors for new animal presentations every month! Members can get in free with pre-registration! And new for 2018-19 we are offering a full day of programming complementing the animal exhibitions.
Not a member? Join today or buy general admission tickets which gets you into the show and gives you access to the Exhibit Hall following the presentation.
Lindsay Wildlife Experience
- (925) 935-1978
- 1931 First Ave., Walnut Creek, California, 94597, United States
Live.WIld.Animal Exhibition: Animals, Inside Out!
Saturday, September 22, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am