Eat With the Animals on Earth Day at Lindsay Wildlife Experience!
Be the first to meet our new bald eagle at breakfast!
WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. —March 8, 2017— Enjoy breakfast with our animal ambassadors as well as exclusive access to the exhibit hall before Lindsay opens to the public on Earth Day!
Bring the whole family and enjoy a continental breakfast alongside Lindsay’s birds of prey—even watch Lindsay’s Animal Ambassadors chow down on their first meal of the day 9 a.m., Saturday April 22 at Lindsay Wildlife Experience.
Enjoy an extra-special WILD Earth Day treat when our new Bald Eagle makes her very first public appearance during breakfast. Come meet this beautiful, majestic bird and learn why conservation is so important for native wildlife.
As always at Lindsay, MEMBERS GET MORE with exclusive members only seating and a special surprise at your table!
Cost: $10 for Members; $15 for Non-Members; free for children 2 years of age or younger. For more information go to or call (925) 935-1978.
For photos click here!
About Lindsay Wildlife Experience:
Lindsay connects people with wildlife to inspire responsibility and respect for the world we share. A unique natural history and environmental education center where live wild animals are just inches away from visitors, Lindsay serves more than 100,000 children and adults each year. Home to the first wildlife rehabilitation hospital established in the U.S., Lindsay treats more than 5,600 animals annually.