Lindsay Wildlife Executive Director Appointed Associated Scientist at University of Georgia

WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. —November 7, 2017— Lindsay Wildlife Experience Executive Director Dr. Cheryl McCormick has been appointed Associated Scientist at the Center for Geospatial Research (CGR) in the University of Georgia’s Department of Geography, headed by Dr. Marguerite Madden.

McCormick received her MA in 1999 at CGR (then known as the Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Sciences), where she used integrated geographic information systems (GIS) and GPS technologies with satellite imagery and color infrared aerial photographs to map the distribution of native and nonnative invasive vegetation communities within the Greater Everglades Ecosystem.

McCormick states that the benefits of aligning Lindsay with an internationally recognized academic geospatial center cannot be understated.

“Ecological phenomena, including the distribution of wildlife across heterogeneous landscapes impacted by human activity, is inherently spatial,” said McCormick. “As Lindsay’s mission impact and credibility continues to grow among scientific and advocacy communities, we will greatly benefit from partnerships that bring unique experiences and expertise to bear on the work we do ­—now and in the future. I look forward to exploring opportunities to work more closely with Dr. Madden —a friend, mentor, and personal hero —on wildlife conservation related research projects where Lindsay’s participation can add value.”

In addition to field research opportunities, McCormick’s appointment with CGR-UGA allows her to access a wide range of university services and resources, such as peer-reviewed research journals and periodicals, which help staff in Lindsay’s Wildlife Hospital, Animal Encounters, and Education departments remain at the forefront of advances in the fields of veterinary medicine, husbandry and long-term care, and evidence-based programming.

McCormick joins CGR Associated Scientists from eight countries. For more information about CGR research programs and bios of faculty and staff, including Associated Scientists, visit


About Lindsay Wildlife Experience:

Lindsay connects people with wildlife to inspire responsibility and respect for the world we share. A unique natural history and environmental education center where live wild animals are just inches away from visitors, Lindsay serves more than 100,000 children and adults each year. Home to the first wildlife rehabilitation hospital established in the U.S., Lindsay treats more than 5,600 animals annually.



Media Contact:

Elisabeth Nardi

(925) 627-2961