Mini Monday: Wild Music and Moves

Let your child guide their own explorations of the natural world, designed for children ages 2–5 to play and learn, along with an adult caregiver. Join Lindsay staff as they lead sing-a-longs; teach special dances; and learn how to move like you’re an animal! Mini Monday is also your opportunity to visit Lindsay Wildlife exhibit hall outside of regular hours! Learn more about Mini Mondays!
Fee: $10 for the first child ($20 for non-members), $6 for each additional child ages 2 and up. Children under 2 free with one paid admission. Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver. Nut-free snacks provided for kids and coffee for adult attendees. Drop-in program, no pre-registration required.
Lindsay Wildlife Experience
- (925) 935-1978
- 1931 First Ave., Walnut Creek, California, 94597, United States
Monday, April 25, 2016
10:00 am - 12:00 pm