Burrowing Owl Pueo is receiving a prosthetic limb from Lindsay Wildlife.
Wildlife Wonders is the Lindsay Wildlife Experience magazine published several times a year. Peruse the issues below!
Burrowing Owl Pueo is receiving a prosthetic limb from Lindsay Wildlife.
Read an in-depth interview with Lindsay’s first curator, Gary Bogue.
Wildlife Wonders Winter/Spring 2019
Learn about Lindsay Wildlife’s Eagle Eyrie and peruse our 2018 Impact Report as we thank our generous donors!
Meet Lindsay Wildlife Experience’s newest animal ambassador a White-Tailed Kite! And discover the hidden riches in Lindsay’s natural history department.
Celebrate Lord Richard the oldest turkey vulture in California!
Wildlife Wonders Winter/Spring 2018
Delve into our Annual Report. And read all about how our annual benefit event Faces of Wildlife has been reimagined and will be held on the Lindsay grounds!