Domestic Rabbit

Domestic Rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus

Did you know there are more than 80 varieties of domestic rabbits? Historical records suggest that rabbits were initially domesticated by the Romans, who raised them for meat, fur, and companionship. Rabbits have been part of our lives ever since. In fact, rabbits have consistently been in the top 10 most popular pets in the USA for almost a century. 

Like all pets, rabbits have specific needs that should be taken into account before adopting or purchasing. With appropriate care, rabbits can live 7-12 years, making them a major commitment. These smart and social mammals thrive with plenty of space and enrichment; they can even learn tricks and trained behaviors. If a rabbit sounds like the perfect pet for you, consider visiting a local animal shelter or rescue. Many rabbits are surrendered at shelters every year, particularly following the Easter season. 

Lindsay Wildlife is currently home to one domestic rabbit named Juniper. Juniper came to us in 2022 and currently lives in our What’s Wild What’s Not exhibit where she helps educate the public about the important differences between pets and wild animals. Juniper enjoys puzzle enrichments, fresh fruits and vegetables, and spending supervised time outdoors with her caretakers.